Have you ever wanted your very own dating or relationship coach?
Someone to give you relationship advice to transform your relationships in ways you never thought possible?
Well... Your wish has been granted!

Are you a single professional who feels that the only thing really missing from making your life totally amazing is finding your soulmate? While so many others see you as successful and "having it all", you feel incomplete deep down inside because you secretly long for that special someone to share your life with? You have come to the right place!
Alternatively, are you depressed (whether anyone else knows it or not) and feel almost "unloveable"? Perhaps your life isn't currently what you want it to be and you're almost at the point of giving up hope. You can't even imagine being genuinely happy in yourself let alone finding your soulmate to share the rest of your life with. You, my friend, have also come to the right place!
Maybe you're currently in an unhealthy relationship: one that you know is controlling, abusive or just not right...
Or perhaps you're in a loving relationship and just need some romance ideas along the way to spice up your relationship or surprise your soulmate. You too have come to the right place!
Let me introduce myself. My name is LJ - the relationship coach.
So, let me give you a head's up on what you can expect...

If you're single, you're best to begin at the "It Starts With You" section. As the name suggests, finding your soulmate is really more about YOU than it is about your perfect man or woman. So, if you are REALLY serious about finding that special someone, determine NOW that you're going to submerge yourself in this process of self-discovery and personal development. This process WILL involve change, and change can be a scary thing. But it also provides the amazing opportunity for you to grow and learn and fulfil your dreams and passions! While our teddy bear is cute and cuddly and always willing to listen, we need more! It's time to go on a new, exciting adventure.
So, decide your level of commitment NOW. Are you sick and tired of things the way they are? Instead, do you genuinely want to live to your full potential and, in the process, naturally go from single to soulmate? It's your life. Approach your committment half-hearted, and your results will be disappointing! Embrace your journey of change with total committment, focus, and an expectant spirit and you won't be sorry!
If you're dating or in a couple relationship, I hope that the growing number of articles and tips within these sections will be of assistance. Learn some of the secrets of dating, gain a crash course in the often misunderstood languages of Mars and Venus, and discover simple things that make the world of difference! There will also be be a free online pre-marriage counseling program coming soon, as well as relationship advice on breaking up.
Also check out the Love Ideas companion! This aims to be your one-stop shop for helpful suggestions and relationship ideas. If you want to be romantic but find it really difficult coming up with great ideas, then this is the section for you! With everything from free creative romantic ideas through to amazing holiday destinations, it's definitely worthwhile keeping in mind. And keep a watch out for the online forums, where you will be able to share your own favourites with the rest of the-relationship-coach.com community. By contributing we all build a great resource that helps ourselves and others! Also, if you need a great quote or poem, why not check out the love quotes and love poems resources, which are some of the largest on the web!
The abusive relationships section is a helpful friend for those who need it. Perhaps you try to convince yourself that it will all be OK, or that your relationship is really loving and healthy... but deep down inside you know there is something very wrong. You're confused and need a bit of guidance and support. Over time, this area will discuss topics such as abusive and controlling relationships, emotional manipulation, narcissistic relationships, codependent relationships, insecurity and infidelity.
So, welcome again. My hope is that The Relationship Coach will help you learn and grow both personally and in your relationships with others. I know that I'll also grow through reading your valued contributions and suggestions. Let's commit to openness, honesty and being real.
Get on board with The Relationship Coach Newsletter (see directly below...)!! This e-zine brings the best relationship info straight to your intray, including unpublished material and special extras for followers. Learn, gain new ideas and literally take your relationship to the next level!
LJ's Blog is the quick and easy place to go to see the latest articles and info on the site without having to waste any extra time. Also, this is the place to go if you're interested in learning how to set up an RSS feed if you want to stay up-to-date but don't want to even have to open the website to see the latest info available.
Well, congratulations! And remember... however far down the path from single to soulmate you happen to be - whether single or just wanting to make an amazing relationship even better, you have the power to create the relationship of your DREAMS.
You CAN have the life YOU want! It just takes decision, committment and action!
I look forward to walking this exciting journey together.
Your relationship coach,